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The Road Goes On Forever…

There is something ageless and invigorating about seeing performers from your childhood.

There are times each year, amid the chaos and crowds at SXSW, when my husband and I look at each other and ask, “Will we ever be too old for this?”

If this year is any indication, the answer is a resounding “NO!” We need look no further than the stars we soaked in during our own version of March Madness—a 10-day, non-stop trek from SXSW stage to non-SXSW stage seeing some of our favorite entertainers. We began with belly laughs courtesy of comedian Carol Burnett (85 yrs old) at the Long Center and ended with the smooth sounds of Smokey Robinson(76 yrs. old) at the Rodeo. In between, we ventured to venues from Sixth Street to Rainey Street. What we found, time and again, was famous performers spending their golden years getting their groove on!

We did manage to fit in some performers under the age of 50 in our musical adventures, but in hindsight, I have to say the most memorable acts featured folks my millennial friends would consider “older than dirt.”

Judy Collins filled the church sanctuary at Central Presbyterian Church with her soulful songs, and funk pioneer George Clinton had the Antone’s crowd rocking out at warp speed, treating a whole new generation to his funkadelic grooves. Both Collins and Clinton are in their 70s. We also stumbled upon a show at Stubbs featuring country legend Loretta Lynn (84 yrs. old). She looked and sounded amazing. Check out her floor length rhinestone dress!

There is something ageless and invigorating about seeing performers from your childhood. We Baby Boomers sometimes seek out the latest, greatest ways to look and feel young again. Perhaps the key to a long, happy life is simply being yourself and doing what you love.

We don’t need to hear the applause of an audience to know that the journey, the learning, the laughter and the love are still alive and well.

Did I mention Willie Nelson turns 83 in April?


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